Recently a member of the Nuckolls County Historical Society (and former Board member) donated some memorabilia to the Museum in order to preserve some of the past history of Nuckolls County. One of the items donated was a booklet created in 1978 to commemorate on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the club. The booklet has a one page history of the early days of the club, a Memorium list of members (as of 1978) and an extensive list of Members of the Alban 4H club over the years from 1918 to 1978. Somewhere the pamphlet says the list was made from memory. I personally did not belong to the group so I can not confirm anyone's membership but I would suspect that a few members may not be on the list. Following will be the actual scanned pages of the original booklet. This, along with an earlier (1918- 1948) brochure can be seen at your Nuckolls County Museum on Saturday afternoons thru the rest of the summer or on Mondays all year long or by appointment.
The Cover

A brief history of the Alban 4H Club

Followed by 6 pages with the names of Members and Leaders

A few of words of advice: I am not responsible for anything other than scanning this document and posting it up and I am doing this as part of the mission of the Nuckolls County Historical Society- To Preserve our Past. If you or a relatives name should be on the list I can't help it (other than make a separate note to go along with this original document. Also, if you think it is missing a female's name I noticed that sometimes a young woman is listed alphabetically by her married name, not the maiden name I presume she would have been using as a young female. LASTLY--- If you feel slighted because I haven't posted up anything about YOUR Nuckolls County 4H Club, please let me know and get some information to me, Rob Williams at the Nuckolls County Historical Society/Museum.
Thank you