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April Board of Directors Meeting

April 11, 2022 the Nuckolls County Historical Society Board of Directors held their regularly scheduled monthly meeting. A warm welcome was offered to John Price, Jr who has agreed to join the NCHS Board of Directors for a three year term. We are still in need of additional Board members and especially would like to find volunteers to serve on the Board from areas of Nuckolls County outside of Superior, after all this is supposed to be the NUCKOLLS COUNTY Historical Society, not the South Nuckolls County Historical Society or the Superior Historical Society. As a group interested in preserving the past history of Nuckolls County and it's peoples it is easier if voices and ideas from ALL areas of the county are represented. But no one can be commanded to be on the Board, the Historical Society depends on volunteers.

John Price, Jr, the newest member of the Nuckolls County Historical Society Board of Directors. John has some projects of his own that he hopes he can work on to add to the history and understanding of Nuckolls County. Welcome John, we look forward to working with you in helping to preserve our precious heritage of Nuckolls County.

Special thank yous were extended to David Frey for installing carpet and Dave Healey for all his work remodeling the back area/workshop of Pioneers Hall.

Museum/Historical Society activities for Memorial day week-end and Lady Vestey Days were discussed and planned. In the preliminary planning stage it was greed to have the Museum open on Saturday and Sunday from 11 am until 5 pm both days with several diverse presentations on those days and a meal available for the public on Sunday from 12 noon-2 pm.

A flyer was received from the Oak Re-enactment Committee concerning their festivities in August. A copy of the notice with pertinent information will be published here soon. Further action will be discussed at the May meeting.

In other discussion the days and hours the museum is open was discussed. In addition to our normal hours of 9-4 on Mondays, it is planned to open the museum to the public on Saturday afternoons beginning on June 4th thru August 27th during the Summer. Tours during other hours can still be planned by contacting Board members

Nancy Meyers (402-879-1824),

Steve Renz (402-879-5308),

Lorri Meyer (402-200-0669) or

Camie Kroeger (402-879-5148) or

by sending an e-mail to

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