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May 2022 Board of Directors Meeting

The Nuckolls County Historical Society Board of Directors held their regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 10 am Monday morning, May 9, 2022 at the Museum in Superior, Nebraska. Fred Meyer led the meeting in the absence of President Steve Renz (getting some physical therapy on his shoulder.) Minutes of the April meeting were read by Camie Kroeger and approved. Dave Healey gave the treasurer's report and it was approved.

In anticipation of Memorial Day/Lady Vestey Days coming up at the end of the month a list of action items was prepared and handed out to Board Members with jobs that need to be attended to before Memorial Day. Items included moving selected material into the new Reference Room, remodeling some of the displays, relocating the Bank Front display, cleaning the cabin and caboose, cleaning several areas, replacing a letter E that is missing from the display at Eugene Aurand Hall and replacing the Henrietta Church sign. It was decided to have a work day at the museum on Monday, May 16th at 9:30 am with hopes to get many of these chores completed.

This year the Museum will be open on Saturdays with Board Members present and on Sundays and other days by appointment. Board members were presented with a calendar for the months of June, July and August so that Board Members could select which Saturdays they would be at the Museum to offer tours and greet visitors.

Activities at the Museum on Lady Vestey Weekend have been scheduled. The Museum will be open both Saturday, May 28 and Sunday, May 29 from 11 am until 5 pm. Events at the Museum include taking the Model A Ford for a ride (on a trailer) for the parade thru downtown Superior Saturday Morning at 10 am followed by Superior Strong Circus themed displays in the Museum from 11 am until 5 pm. There will also be demonstrations of using a loom, rope making, corn shelling and butter churning. In addition Rob and Vicki Willliams and a couple of friends from Cortland, Nebraska will be providing mountain dulcimer music during the afternoon. There is hope we might persuade a "mountain man" to show up for part of the afternoon. Sunday the Museum will open at 11 am. Weather permitting the Board Members with the able assistance and help of Brodstone Health Center personnel will be cooking up hamburgers and brats from 12 until 2 in the afternoon right west of the Museum building at 612 West 6th Street in Superior. At 2 pm Mr Howard Reed (and probably family and friends) will be performing at the Park Bandshell. Hopefully the rain will stay away long enough on Sunday for these festivities to take place outdoors but just in case there will be a plan B.

A last note- Nancy our curator told the Board that approx. 30 Superior Kindergarten students will be visiting the museum in Tuesday, May 10th. Neither a Museum nor a Historical Society can afford to pass up an opportunity to try to get young children interested in their past and our local history. We will endeavor to get my trusty photographer down to the museum to take some pictures. For a small fee let me know and I can arrange to have select angels photographed in the jail cell at the museum.

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend and I hope everyone can take some time to remember why we celebrate Memorial Day. Please take some time to respect the memory of those Men and Women who sacrificed so much so that we can enjoy the peace and freedom offered to us in these United States. Don't forget the Memorial Day Services at Evergreen Cemetery on Monday, May 30th.

Also take some time to partake in the activities of Lady Vestey Days. The people and community of the Superior area put a lot of effort into making this time a showcase of the area. There will be a parade Saturday morning and many, many other events for people of all ages. According to the Superior Chamber of Commerce there is supposed to be a booklet available of all the activities scheduled over the weekend at the City of Superior Website.

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