The people at the Nuckolls County Historical Society have been busy getting the Museum ready to greet visitors coming to Superior's Lady Vestey Days and Memorial Day activities.

The theme for the weekend is Superior Strong and has a heavy Circus flavor, so the Nuckolls County Historical Members have gone through items that have been donated to the museum over the years. Fortunately, Nuckolls County had a resident named Mr Davis who spent several years with carnivals and circuses left the museum a rather large collection of his circus memorabilia. Much of this collection will be on display in the museum on Saturday and Sunday (May 28th and 29th) of Memorial Day weekend. Please consider stopping by the air conditioned museum to see these items and other historical items. The Museum will be open from 1 pm until 5 pm Saturday and Sunday.
In addition to Circus displays and other items in the Museum there will also be several other special activities taking place at the Museum over the weekend. On Saturday afternoon there will demonstrations of using a loom, making rope and shelling corn. Rumor has it a "Mountain Man" may be seen wandering the grounds Saturday. And you'll be happy to know that if he gets hot wearing all that buckskin clothing he can step into the air conditioned Museum Church and cool off while listening to the sounds of dulcimers being played by Rob and Vicki Williams and their friends from Cortland, Nebraska Daryl and Debbie Doolittle.

Sunday May 29th the Museum will also be open from 1- 5 pm. In addition, volunteers from Brodstone Health Care will be grilling hamburgers in the city park next to the Museum grounds (612 East 6th Street) from 12 noon until 2 pm. Bring your lawn chairs because picnic facilities are limited. And since you will have your lawn chairs with you, you can scoot them over the the bandshell at 2 pm to listen to Howard Reed and family and friends perform some really great music.

Lastly, the Museum will not be open on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30th. But every community in Nuckolls County will be hosting a Memorial Day Service/Ceremony to remember our veterans. Please try to take the time to honor their service. As it's been said, "All gave some, but some gave all."
